1. Occurrence
of Pairpole and Occurrence of Wave |
Suddenly, Pairpole which
is composed of being positive ( positive electron, anti-material
) and negative ( electron , material ) occurs from nothing (
the vacuum ). Pairpole has the nature to be opposite and inheres
in the power ( the gravitation ) to pull each other. Then, because
the time acts, the wave motion which defers to the time axis
occurs. It is the birth of universe.
At this text,
the universe which was cut along the time axis is called "Analog
universe" and the universe which was perpendicularly cut
to the time axis is called "Digital universe". We
exist in Digital universe ( which is called Now ) that the time
is a point. Material has both nature, the nature of Wave and
the nature of Particle. In Digital universe, Pairpole shows
the nature of Particle. This particle nature makes Digital universe
generate symmetrical structure. Pairpole is observed to approach
each other linear-ly and also to leave. In Analog universe,
Pairpole shows the nature of Wave. This wave nature makes Analog
universe generate circulation movement. Pairpole is observed
to approach each other wave-ly and also to leave.
2. Two dimensions
plane expression of Pairpole wave movement |
When expressing Pairpole
wave movement in the 2 dimensions plane, it becomes the symmetrical
wave curve which the phase was 180 degrees different and overlapped.
However, the wave which we can observe generally is a positive
wave. At this text, it names this wave Actual universe wave.
A negative wave is the wave that we can not be generally observed.
At this text, it names this wave Imaginary universe wave. I
expressed this two wave motions of Actual universe wave and
Imaginary universe wave by the word, "Intersecting rope".
Because, in this world, the evil and the fortune always incorporate,
the profit and the damage always incorporate, the purity and
the muddiness always incorporate, the justice and the wickedness
always incorporate, the life and the death always incorporate
and so on. Generally, because we can not observe Imaginary universe
wave, we are making lack the existence of this wave.
3. Three
dimensions solid expression of Pairpole wave movement |
When expressing Pairpole
wave movement in the 3 dimensions solidness, it becomes the
symmetrical spiral curve which the phase was 180 degrees different
and overlapped. This structure is the same as the structure
of DNA. Pairpole overlapped spiral movement is the basic mechanism
which makes various phenomena occur into this world where we
4. Pairpole
pendulum movement |
Pairpole overlapped spiral
movement is continued by Pairpole energy exchange pendulum movement.
As for Pairpole overlapped spiral movement, the positive and
negative approache one of the neutral points each other by the
reverse turn from 180 degrees divided position and exchange
mutual energy in the most approaching spot. For example, the
positive inculcates the positive energy to the negative and
the negative inculcates the negative energy to the positive.
The positive which energy was inculcated, converts into the
negative nature. It is accelerated and it heads for the negative
pole. Also, the negative which energy was inculcated, converts
into the positive nature. It is accelerated and it heads for
the positive pole. In 180 degrees estranged position, the negative
and the positive speed reach at highest speed. Then, when passing
this point, Pairpole loses energy again and approaches the other
neutral point while it decelerates.
In the most
approaching spot, it exchanges mutual energy to the opposite
direction. The negative inculcates the negative energy to
the positive and the positive inculcates the positive energy
to the negative. The negative which energy was inculcated,
converts into the positive nature. It is accelerated and it
heads for the positive pole. Also, the positive which energy
was inculcated, converts into the negative nature. It is accelerated
and it heads for the negative pole. In 180 degrees estranged
position, the negative and the positive speed reach at highest
speed. It repeats this one after another and Pairpole overlapped
spiral movement is continued. By Pairpole pendulum movement
of this energy exchange, the negative and positive make "the
wave motion circulation movement" which passes respectively
four peculiar points ( the positive pole, the neutral point
from the positive to the negative, the negative pole, the
neutral point from the negative to the positive ) occur. I
made "the wave motion circulation movement law"
in this Analog universe a system as "Squarefour theory".
Four peculiar points exist
in Pairpole wave motion movement. They are the positive pole,
the neutral point from the positive to the negative, the negative
pole and the neutral point from the negative to the positive.
Square occurs when surrounding space by these four peculiar
points. It is the basic form of symmetrical structure which
appears in Digital universe where we live. The reason that the
desk, the television, the IC chip, the room, the building, the
area and so on became Square-form occurs from here. I made "the
symmetrical structure law" in this Digital universe a system
as "Square theory".
6. Occurrence
of the front-surface and the back-surface |
The each four peculiar points
of Pairpole overlapped spiral movement make two Square-form
occur in Digital universe. These two Square-form build the symmetrical
front-surface and back-surface each other. The reason which
the paper is composed of the symmetrical front-surface and back-surface
occurs from here. Then, the reason which the universe is composed
of the light and shadow occurs from here. Which it makes the
front-surface and which it makes the back-surface are due to
the free choice of you. If you choose one of the surfaces as
the front-surface, the anti-surface becomes the back-surface.
That Pairpole
of the electron ( material ) and the positive-electron ( anti-
material ) which is born from nothing is the material root is
the theory of physical scholar Dirac. All materials which exist
in this universe are built from these Pairpole micro-particles.
Positive and Negative Pairpole which are born from nothing follow
a time axis and are doing the wave motions. Then, in the same
way, the materials which are built with these Pairpole micro-particles,
too, follow a time axis and are doing the wave motions. The
human being, the cat, the dog and the pine are material. These
materials exist as the object like string in Analog universe
which is built along the time axis and they are doing the wave
motions. However, the universe which we can witness is Digital
universe which is perpendicular to the time axis. In this universe,
materials exist as the individual objects because the nature
of particle appear.
We can not see
Analog universe where the cat like the string and the human
being like the string exist. The reason is because that the
wave motion speed of the object like the string is the speed
of Light ( in other words, is the speed of Time ) and our
consciousness wave is identical with the wave motion speed
of string. In other words, Digital universe is same as the
photograph world structure of each one sheet which this photograph
was continuously taken by the high speed camera. Then, Analog
universe is same as the photograph worlds structure that this
each one sheet was piled.

Our life is the progress of one wave which is communicated,
following a medium like the string ( this is called a human
string ). In the leaving point of human string which is the
medium of wave motion, a wave is generated one after another.
Then, the wave is communicated one after another along the
human string which is the medium of wave motion by the progress
of time. Then, these communicated waves become extinct one
after another in the terminus of human string. The progress
of this wave is the progress of consciousness wave of the
human being. Our consciousness continues to be born forever,
continues to be active and continues to be died. In other
words, the progress of one wave ( the consciousness wave )
which progresses along this human string composes one piece
of some life. Generally, we call the occurrence of one wave
( the consciousness wave ) to have occurred in the leaving
point of the human string "Birth" and call the becoming
extinct of one wave ( the consciousness wave ) which resulted
in the terminus "Death". However, the human string
itself who is the medium of wave motion doesn't become extinct.
The material string which appeared once in this universe continues
to exist forever and the material string which doesn't appear
in this universe doesn't appear forever. In other words, the
material string exists in the universe.

Philosophical person Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche posed a thought,
"the eternal-regression". The eternal-regression
is the idea to result in the past when going for the future
and result in the future when going for the past. The time
is making a loop. He says that we repeat the life which is
the same many times. Nietzsche did this consideration in the
idea as the life philosophy of self. He said that to accept
the repeating of self-life which the traged and the comedy
became incorporated is a true road of human being independence.
It is very interesting point that the universe structure which
I pursued resulted in the consideration which is the same
as the consideration of Nietzsche.
The universe
structure model which explains how to occur the string materials
is "Wave-coil Cosmology". The idea concept of this
Cosmology is an electromagnetic induction phenomenon by the
electromagnetic coil. The electromagnetic induction is the phenomenon
which the magnetic field occurs to in the inner space of coil
when applying electricity to the coil.
In the same
way, there is a spiral wave of "Ki ( Japanese expression
)" outside the universe shell and this spiral wave makes
the space of its inside generate a wave field. In other words,
it is the wave induction. English expression of "Ki"
is difficult. For example, it is the existence which resembled
a mood and a chaos and so on.
At this text,
the spiral wave of this "Ki" is called "Wave-coil".
The wave induction mechanism of Wave-coil is equivalent to the
electromagnetic induction mechanism of electromagnetic coil.
The magnetic-force
is exchanged for the wave-force, a magnetic-field is exchanged
for the wave-field ( the time-field : the meaning in the field
which the time acts on ), the magnetic-flux becomes the wave-flux.
String material is doing a wave motion according to the wave-force
line of wave-flux which was induced into the wave-field. At
Wave-coil, the wave-flux density declines as gradually the
coil radius increases from 0. ( At this coil radius 0 point,
it is in the condition with wave-flux density's being infinite.
: this point is called a big-bang in the present-day science.
) When coming to the critical point, the coil radius decreases
gradually from the increase and results in coil radius 0 again.
( At this coil radius 0 point, it is in the condition with
wave-flux density's being infinite. : this point is called
a big-crunch in the present-day science. ) The wave coil is
being chained and the form is doing a spindle-shaped. In this
Cosmology, the big-bang and the big-crunch are the same.
The universe which cut a
wave coil perpendicularly to the time axis is Digital universe.
The universe which we look at generally is the scenery of this
Digital universe. The recent science made that the galaxy cluster
which is interspersed among the universe was distributed like
a honeycomb clear. In other words, the universe is composed
by the space where exists with material centering and the space
where material doesn't exist at all. The distribution of this
galaxy cluster ( material ) like a honeycomb shows the distribution
of the wave-flux density to have occurred with the wave motion
induction of wave coil. In other words, in the space with high
wave-flux density, as for material, occur.
The universe which cut a
wave coil along the time axis is Analog universe. We can not
look at this universe generally. The wave-flux which occurred
with the wave motion induction of wave coil exists between the
big-bang point and the big-crunch point. String material ( the
galaxy string and human string and so on ) occurs along this
wave-flux ( the wave-force line ) and is doing a wave motion.
Wave-coil is chained and
is vibrating. This vibration resembles the bowstring-vibration
to occur when flicking the bowstring of guitar. In other words,
the bowstring-vibration is the vibration chain of spindle-form
which is composed between the node and node with amplitude of
vibration 0. The vibration structure of Wave-coil is equivalent
to this and "the node" with amplitude of vibration
0 is the big-bang and is the big-crunch.
12. Annular
Wave-coil chain |
Wave-coil chain
composes to be annular and the annular Wave-coil chain is doing
a shackle. The wave-nucleus exists in the center of this shackle.
This structure is equivalent to the atomic structure of Louis
Victor de Broglie that an electronic-wave is annularly composed
around the atomic nucleus. This electronic-wave is like the
wave which occurs with the bowstring-vibration and is called
"the standing-wave". This standing-wave occurs in
some specific value with de Broglie wavelength and the value
of each of the wavelengths corresponds to the electronic-orbit.
Wave-coil Cosmology which pursued the macro-universe results
in the Atomic Cosmology in the micro-universe after all. It
is the universe-model of quantum theory which Bohr's "the
quantum-jump" and Schredinger's "the wave-equation"
are applied to.
The explanation
that the world to have been looking at with the telescope
was the world to have been looking at actually with the microscope
will tell this situation most accurately. This is the fractal-structure
( the nesting boxes ) of universe and as for the universe,
the same structure appears every some constant-number ( the
basic constant-number of nature ).
13. Group
of Annular Wave-coil chain |
Annular Wave-coil chain
composes a group and is being interspersed among the universe.
This universe scenery is the same as scenery which can be seen
when looking at water in the pond with microscope. The distinction
of macro-universe and micro-universe doesn't exist. The detail
is the whole and the whole is the detail. In other words, there
is not size and only the structure exists in the universe. It
isn't possible to know we ourselves exist in the water-universe
in the glass, whether or not we exist in the water-universe
in the pond or whether or not we exist in the water-universe
in the sea forever. The size concept of this is bigger than
that, to be small, to be far, to be near and so on is the concept
which we human being created from the necessity of life. This
concept can not be applied as the concept in the universe.This
size concept which human being created made "the problem
of the end of universe" occur.
In other words,
the end of universe is the question
how it becomes. There is not a person who solved this question
yet. It is because it thinks using the size concept. If throwing
away this concept, it is possible to solve this problem easily.
In other words, the universe is a mechanism-concept and is
not a size-concept. If the size concept doesn't exist, "the
end of universe question" doesn't exist from the beginning.
In other words, such a mechanism is the structure of universe.
Only the god knows the reason why the mechanism in universe
is composed in this way.
"Intellectual tool system" which was created by
symmetricalness of the universe
"Square mechanism" that won a prize
for many invention in Japan is basic mechanism created by symmetricalness
of the universe. The intellectual tool system for research and
development is edited based on "Square mechanism". You can discover
an idea for problem solution effectively by applying "Intellectual
tool system" which is "Hardware OS" to your research
and development. |